A Rainbow bee-eater 

A mother's protective love

Royal Spoonbill with breeding plumage

A cheeky Rainbow Lorikeet


Rufous Bettong

Black-winged Stilt

​​​​​​​Eastern Bearded Dragon

A homeless Osprey after its nest in a mobile phone tower was dismantled

Blue Tiger Butterfly

Australian Water Dragon

Laughing Kookaburra

It's been a big day. Time for a cuddle.

Nope. Still not talking to you. (Little Corellas)

I'm watching you watching me... A Bush-stone Curlew

Just hanging about on a Sunday afternoon

Rainbow Lorikeets having some fun

A pair of Bush-stone Curlews with two recently born chicks.

Chestnut-breasted Mannikin

Rainbow Lorikeets

Koala at Croftby

Australian King Parrot (male). Regular morning visitors In October and November.

Rainbow Bee-eater

Pretty Face Wallaby (also know as Whiptail Wallaby)

Green Tree Python

Lace Monitor

Scarlet Honeyeater

Pretty Face Wallaby

Australian King Parrot (male)

Jacky Winter

Eastern Grey Kangaroos sparring

Spotted Pardalote


Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo

Red-browed Finch

Eastern Yellow Robin

Bassion Thrush (or possibly Russet-tailed Thrush)?

Rufous Fantail

Bassion Thrush (or possibly Russet-tailed Thrush)?

Albino Carpet Python

Green Tree Frog

Inland Bearded Dragon

Magnificent Tree Frog

Marble Children's Python

Northern Brown Bandicoot

Spiny Leaf Stick insect

Western Australian Bob-tailed Skink / Shingle-back

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